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发表于 2004-5-27 22:45:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Name: Sword Breaker

Class: Lost ship of the Well-being

Computer: Canal Vorfeed
キャナル・ヴォルフィード ソードブレイカーの制御コンピューター

Propulsion: Super Multi-Turbines of Plasma Neutron (12 PSI turbines).



サイ・システム 精神エネルギーを動力に変換するシステム。

Transport Shuttle 穿梭机

This is the shuttle that Kane and Milly often use to move between the Swordbreaker and planetary surfaces. It is stored on the underside of the Swordbreaker.

Energy Chips

Six small ships that are deployed when the power from the Psi System needs to be increased for something such as the Plasma Blast. Since a Psi Barrier is created in the process of starting the Plasma Blast, it is possible to do just that alone.

Phase Drive  相位驱动器

----相転移航法 補足----
The most outstanding breakthrough discovered through the research on metapsychology. With the use of one's willpower, the ship's systems can activate the phase drive and enable the ship to phase or warp into hyper space. By doing this, one is able to travel a great distance in just minutes.

Phasing Gate

Technically, this should be included with stats on the phase drive, but the phasing gate is in a sense, like what it says. It uses the phase drive, but instead of phasing the ship as a whole, it opens a gate to phase a smaller object over a shorter distance. Severe drawback, though, the larger the object, the more dangerous it is.

Neutrino Plasma Engines 中微子—等离子 引擎

The primary engines of the ship. These are powered by the psi-system, like most of the weaponry on the ship.

Psi Barrier Psi屏障

With power drawn from the ship's Psi System, a barrier is placed around the ship. Its strength doesn't have a set level, though, being that it relies on the willpower of the pilot.

Pompon gun (gun support of Millie)

Side Laser

Leap Rail Gun 跳跃轨道炮

The leap rail gun is a weapon that utilizes similar technology as the phase drive, being that it sends out spheres of energy that will 'warp' whatever is caught within it and send it to some random location somewhere in space. There are three cannons for the gun to fire from, the two commonly known locations are within the longer ends of the ship.

Psi Blaster

A simple blast of energy powered by the psi system. When fired, the attack appears like a broken chain of light. The weapon doesn't use much power, so it can be run off of the back up system, but it's more powerful than the side lasers.

Plasma Blast

The most powerful of the commonly known attacks from the Swordbreaker. With one shot, it can easily clear out an entire fleet of Nightmare or Universal Guardian ships, even other Lost Ships. This attack cannot be run off of the psi system back up. The six boost chips must be released, and a hexagram is formed into the air in front of the ship, charging the energy to the point that it can be released at. The Plasma Blast does create a multi level psi barrier while the ship is preparing everything so that it's not completely defenseless. As with all the other attacks, the power is detirmined by the strength of the pilot.

Psi Code Final


The Swordbreaker's ultimate attack. It's kept as a hidden weapon, though, because the pilot must accept an incredible sacrifice to complete it.
This weapon operates on with a technique similar to the other Lost Ships. It will turn matter, namely the pilot, into pure psi-energy, allowing them to become one with the Lost Ship itself for a short time. This does, of course, kill the pilot in the end.

The Super Sword is the lost ship protagonist of the series Lost Univer, this ship this under you order of Kane Blueriver atravez of its assistant of the ship Vorfeed Channel (Canary) and its personal assistant Milly Farrie, this ship has the power of the telequinesis or Psiquicos powers, the computer is Canary that suspestamente it is a hologram constructed by the main computer, she controls and takes care of all the data system, power station and operative of the ship, his pilot and osea master Kane Blueriver pilot this ship, to be able to pilot the ship, must use his psiquica to use the ship, thus, Kane commands Psiquicas waves to the ship to begin to use the PsicoTurbinas, I construct to a psiquica center of storage of energia so that Canary can also handle the ship, also Kane must use its Psiquica waves to use the arms and special defenses like the Cañon Plasma and to fortalezer the PsicoBarrera, in case of ermengencia of daño mental of Kane, the ship has a mental measurer to see if the mental levels have a psiquica abnormality, reason why decteta daño, for that must realize if this inconciente or has daño cerebral.

The Super Sword has many things, this ship has its past with Alice or Alicia, the grandmother of Kane and have a legendary history, this ship belongs to the 5 arms of light, and this is but the celestial one of all the lost ships, and for that reason Psicoenergia uses so that he is celestial and of it has comes from the Well-being. Also in a copartimiento between the two inferior tails of the ship, it has a ferry so that the ship does not have to land or in prohibited planets of nonspaceships. in its two main arms or compartment of the ship, it stores load and the special arms, in special the Cañon Rippler and with its 12 turbines of impulsion neutronio, this ship has much force and speed of impulsion that demas. The Super Sword begins its action in his 2do espisodio of Lost Univer demonstrating that it is a lost ship, but soon in the episode nº 5 and 12 demonstrate to their great force and space ability in situations and battles, in general Super Espada is the true one to fuezar that it represents the one mentality being represented by the well-being of the humanity, working like a lost ship of the Cazaproblemas.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 23:03:32 | 显示全部楼层

  410M級 重砲撃艦『ゴルンノヴァ烈光の剣』(滅んでます)
きゃなるon yourですくとっぷより

■ ボイド転送
ロスト・ユニバースSP根性編より 特定の物質を任意に空間移動させるロストテクノロジー。
■ 相転移バリア
TV第25話より 船体を囲んで浮遊する、銀色の球体で船体付近の空間を歪め

■ レンズ・収束砲/分散弾
小説③P197より 船体の各部に設置されたエネルギー砲を一斉射撃して、それを空間レンズで

Name: Gorn Nova = (Goren Nova is pronounced)
Class: Lost ship of the Malda
Computer: Gorn Nova
Longitud: Around 340 Meters (But the Great one of All the Lost Ships)
Propulsion: Super Turbin de Thermal Magnetismo of Double Opening and Exit.

The Gorn Nova is also completes lost ship that appears in Lost Univer, and pertaining of Dark Star (Yami) or the Propagator of the Dark, this ship has the power but terrible that is the badness, in as it has a great mystery, the Gorn Nova is the ship that previously was defeated by Super Sword and also simultaneously the Super Sword falls also, Gorn Nova was destruydo to leave opportunity to the grandmother of Kane, oesa, Stakes out, I underestimate the powers of Super sword by the famous ray of the psicobarrera, Vorfeed, knows that when using that ray, receives one victima to the one that the use, and for that reason Stakes out dies, Anchoy blames to Canary not to leave it morir(Ancho is the old friend of Stakes out, the grandmother of Kane) the attempt was on which Slavara to Kane so that the Dark did not propagate and that the Super sword was into the hands of Kane and that Canary also to be able to have knowledge and to have a new generation with Kane in the crew of the Super Sword when facing all the Lost Ships.

When dying Anchoy despues of the return of the Super Sword to the tomb of Stakes out, pardons to Canary so that it has a great ray of hope that is Kane and Milly. Despues appears Dark Star, the Propagator of the Dark and says to him that it does not have hagayas to face to me and account occurs that Kane puts nervous front to. When thinking that Kane returns to think about the past being sorry and remembering the death of It stakes out, that is a great mystery. But soon that knowledge and silence despues is broken by the reapareciomiento of Gorn Nova to escape with the Universal Guard and the suspicion from the reaparecimiento from Lag Mezerghis when destroying patruya of the Universal Guard. Gorn Nova faces Super Sword in an exasperating duel, Kane is hopeless when thinking that this Dark Star, but not to become aware barren, its attacks of the Super Sword does not work causing that is debilitated, and Gorn Nova takes advantage of to attack, attacks several times beginning by the Mega Rays 13 (in details but ahead) makes destroy the PsicoBarrera and is left without defense, ulilizando nothing but Rays 13, Super Sword is very dañado making that Kane loses the consiencia and I aim to be killed, but thanks to Canary and Milly is saved before the death, the Super Sword leaves defeated forcing Milly to use cañon Rippler and they leave battlefield, Gorn Nova it is desecionado and it waits for another opportunity, Canary Hablo with Gorn Nova that so that it does this, and it responds that they are you order of my master, Dark Star proposed a trap to him to Kane to have if in truth is the sufficient liabilities to use to maximo the Super Sword, but arrepente Kane leaving itself to Milly in a place of hidden market, but it looks for despues to repair the ship to it and returns to look for Gorn Nova, but one is with the Nezard, doing that fortaleziera Kane, this episode this in nº 19 of Lost Univer. In special (in history other series of Hajime Kanzaka sabran so that this ship is special) this ship it has to do with Lost Univer and. By a summary, the name comes from the justicieros or The Slayers, Gorn Nova means to the second name that occurs to the weapon that has Gaudy that is the Sword of Light.

Armamentosy Defenses:
Rayo 13 ________________________________________________

This ray has a special power that is the curse, for that reason they call rays 13, the 13 is I number of the bad luck, this ray is normal and fast as if it was a automatica weapon, it is super cash in dañar its objective. This ray only leaves with 13 Bulks of Energia making shoot next it.

Mega Ray 13

This is the weapon but powerful that has Gorn Nova, this has but efectivida and power that mismisimo Ray 13 but with much intensity, this is able to destroy as to quier defense of as to quier Lost Ship, even with the PsicoBarrera or the Reversible Field, this is able to leave the ship defenseless but with the unico daño of dañar the special defenses of the lost ships, another second very fatal serious firing, is almost the same function, single that the 13 bulks of energia are joined to form a mega rays 13.

Space Distortion

This defense is of but outposts in the lost ships, this has a proposito, to reflect the space confundiento the target and to always fail simultaneously, is as if it was it to avoid but without ningun type of movement, this is similar to a mirror, but it does not require of so much energia, the unica weakness is between the badness and the well-being, that is the passive personality.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 23:05:44 | 显示全部楼层
3 Lagudo Mezeghis

  170M級 機動駆逐艦『ラグド・メゼギス瞬撃槍』(滅んでます)

■ ニードルビーム
小説④P79より そういうものです。(^_^;)
■ グラビトン砲
TV第23話より 『ラグド・メゼギス』の主砲である高出力レーザー砲(惑星破壊砲)。

■ ゼロ距離位相反転 リープ・レールガンの効力をキャンセルする技術。

■ トラクター・ビーム
TV第24話より 高エネルギーフレキシブル・タイプのトラクター・ビーム。
(光の鞭による物理攻撃)。 サイ・コードファイナル後
■ 位相反転フィールド
TV第24話より 船体の周りの空間をひっくり返し、ビーム砲などの攻撃をあらぬ方向に弾き飛ばす。

Name: Lagudo Mezeghis = (Lag Mezerghis is pronounced)
Class: Prdida ship of the Individualismo
Computer: Lagudo Mezeghis
Length: 170 Meters
Propulsion: Turbine of Thermal Magnetism.

Lagudo Mezeghis is terce lost ship that is seen in Lost Univer, This ship has the power to use the gravity, has posesionado Claymore Rail, but before Rail, the men of Nightmare try it to obtain, but Rail, of so many days of search obtains pasadiso of the ship and sees something extraño in the ship, Ragudo, it accepts it so that this ship imposes the norm of which it must be handled individually, Rail obtains it but this under control of Nightmare, which makes put itself against the Universal Guard, Ragudo warns his to wake up to Canary Volfieed and its first confrontation is with Super Sword, in as, Super Sword tries to do algun Daño but when using the Cañon Plasma, this uses the Reversible Field which the attack disperses throughout, but despues uses the dispersed one of sub-you attack of Gravitational Agujero or of the famous sure Graviton, which makes destroy all the squad of ships of the Universal Guard, the Super Sword uses the PsicoBarrera to defend itself, when finishing, the crew of the Super Sword is blamed being fugitive. This Episode this in nº 17 of Lost Univer. But ahead, Rail escapes of Lagudo Mezeghis before being absorbed by the lost ship, Rail escapes and by chance it is rescued by a crew with the obejtivo directed by Neena. Lagudo Mezeghis returns to Nightmare to be fit some parts and to complete one of the lethal arms but of this universe, Yami or the Propagator of the Dark, gives to Carlly a lost ship to him to fulfill its objective to hunt or to destroy to the señor CP, Kane Blueriver. Carlly is the new master of Lagudo Mezeghis and in 23 episode N # she threatens Kane Blueriver that comes despues to destroy to a whole planet and moons of the planet with the Cañon Graviton. The moment arrives at which Kane this cornered detras of a moon and Carlly destruira doing that the magma of the planet dañe to the Super Sword, Kane leaves intact by the Psicobarrera but when leaving Carlly the Cañon used directly Graviton to Super Espada and Kane recibira the impact with the 3 Psicobarreras that forms 6 microships of the Cañon Plasma of the Super Sword, and in awhile which penso that Carlly avia destroyed the Super Sword, again leaves the Super Sword and using the Cañon Rippler daña the Cañon Graviton Lagudo Mezeghis. Knowing that already perdio Carlly, Lagudo Mezeghis absorbs it and uses the connection of psicosistema and Lagudo Mezeghis returns to the battle and when Kane confia too much, Lagudo is surprised with a ray of elastica wave type and moors to the Super Sword leaving it imovil, and receives great daño the Super Sword, in a while desperate Kane, sticks to Lagudo Mezeghisy both fight patches until Kane cannot do but nothing and requests I cosay end to destroy the lost ship, Canary of a little while desperate does not want to do it and disobeys orde and Kane the active one manually, only lacking little, miracle leaves Milly and Neena despues to finish teletrasportacion of the ship in the sector where they fight Lagudo Mezeghs and Super Sword, Milly rebice the message of aid of Canary, and moment flatando little for I cosay end to him, Neena of a touch daña the Cañon of the Psicobarrera saving to Kane of being sacrificed. And by once again Super Sword it returns to the battle, and arising a new Piscoenergia, the Super Sword attacks with the Cañon Plasma and Lagudo Mezeghis without having ningun already element, is destroyed by the Super Sword. Gorn Nova seeing the fight is not left but option that to face Kane. all this happens in episode N # 24

Armamentos y Defensas:
Graviton Cannon

Gravitational Agujero or the Cañon Graviton is a main weapon that has Lagudo yes but the powerful one that it has, in as it has a defense sub-armament and of attack, in special, Lagudo Mezeghis has the power to use the force of Gravity like weapon of offense and defense between offense this dispersion, and in defense the Reversible Field. In general, this powerful Rayo, it has a great almost compared power with the Cañon Plasma of the Super Sword, in difference of as in his effectiveness of this weapon he is very devastating, as much that he is able to destroy to a whole planet.

Reversible Field

This field has the Great ability to give back any type of attack that of which, if it cannot give back the attack, it is in charge to disperse the attack, that if, whenever the field is attacked, the ship is diminished of energia but he is effective when helping.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 23:06:14 | 显示全部楼层
4 Nezard

300M級 機動殲滅艦 個体名 ネザード 毒牙爪(滅んでます)


Name: Nezard
Class: Lost ship of the Tridente de Luz
Computer: Nezard
Length: 300 Meters
Propulsion: Turbine of Thermal Magnetism +++  (Triple Plus).

The Nezard is the second ship that appears in Lost Univer, also one of the 5 arms of light which I create the dark star and old civilicacion human, in remote times. Nezard, is a ship M.E.V or Movile Extermination Vessel (Vasija of the Movil Extermination in ingles) this is the ship that this in posecion of Nightmare, the Nezard imagines like the Tridente de Luz of the 5 arms. The Nezard sees in the episode nº 12 of Lost Univer, which in which, despues of which the Super Sword destroys to Cloud of the Death, the Nezard appears for acordale to Vorfeed (Canary) of its presence doing to become aware it from the lost ship, despues disappears and soon they return to appear but ahead despues of the defeat of Super Sword with Gorn Nova, and but ahead, the Nezard next to Lagudo Mezeghis. The Nezard and Super Sword have debastador lapelea but of the series, in as we have a video of that confrontation that, this in ours secciòn multimedia, altogether, the Nezard takes in poseciòn Nightmare, next to Gorn Nova and Lagudo Mezeghis, both they has a strong power but the Nezard uses the power of the light with artificial intligea. But it is destroyed to cause to Kane waking up of the PsicoEnergia.

Armamentos y Defensas:
Galgo of Hell

The Galgo of hell (in truth that has another nombrepero is the true one) this is the powerful weapon but that has the Nezard, this weapon has a destrutivo power, since, it opens to floodgates in the 2 mostrandos wings series of 2 levels of cursors in each wing that in which, it shoots 2 Bulks of Green Energia that uses them as frontal attack causing that its objective destroys it with a well destrutivo effect but.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 23:06:33 | 显示全部楼层
5 Death Could
350M級 死の雲(デス・クラウド)(滅んでます)

■ 超長距離射撃 『ソードブレイカー』のレーダーレンジ外からも攻撃できるほどの高出力。

Name: Cloud of the Death = Death Cloud
Class: Lost ship of Mortal Cooperatividad
Computer: Cloud of the Death.
Length: 320 meters
Propulsion: Plasma turbines

LLa cloud of the death is the first constructed lost ship and first in facing the portagonista ship of the series. This ship consigen the man of Nightmare in a lost place, in as, causes a great mysterious destruction for the Universal Guard, but Kane fixes them to be able to face the Cloud of the Death, nevertheless, this gets to face the Super Sword which, wise Kane that a ship that shoots to far from the rank of the radar, is a lost ship, which was this, then fixes them to use the Psicobarrera, when recivir another Cloud attack of the Death, the Psicobarrera is debilitated but this it locates the direction of the firing that when doing that, coordinates the target stops to be able to use the Cañon Plasma, and the Cloud of the Death Is destroyed by the Super Sword. This confrontation this in the episode nº 11 and 12 of Lost Univer.

Armamento y Defensas
Super Laser Canon

This cañon is not necessary to underestimate it, since to laser nobody cañon that it has as to quier ship, this is 100 times but hard, for that reason the name of Super Laser Cañon gains, when recivir this cañon, is daño is imminent, but the other lost ships, can stop this Cañon with the PsicoBarrera (Super Sword), Reversible Field (Ragudo Mezeghis) or a Space Distortion (Gorn Nova).
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 23:37:32 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-28 02:41:53 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-28 02:45:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-4 00:39:34 | 显示全部楼层

『ヴォルフィード』 『デュグラディグドゥ』を封印するために造られた船・戦闘封印艦。
『デュグラディグドゥ』 『恐怖』によって生命の灯火を消すシステム『システム・ダークスター』を搭載した生体殲滅艦。
『ガルヴェイラ』 伝説の魔王の武器の一つ『颶風弓』の名を持つ300M級攻撃艦。伝説の魔王の武器の中では最強の力を持つ。
『ネザード』 伝説の魔王の武器の一つ『毒牙爪』の名を持つ300M級起動殲滅艦。コウモリのような三枚の黒い翼を持つ船。
『ゴルンノヴァ』 伝説の魔王の武器の一つ『烈光の剣』の名を持つ410M重砲撃艦。
『ラグド・メゼギス』 伝説の魔王の武器の一つ『瞬撃槍』の名を持つ170M級起動駆逐艦。三角錐の形をした黒い船体。
『ボーディガー』 伝説の魔王の武器の一つ『破神槌』の名を持つ550M超長距離砲撃艦。基本フィルムの円錐形の船体。
『デス・クラウド』 前人類の作り出した標準的な船。とはいっても『デュグラディグドゥ』たちには遠く及ばない。『死の雲』と発見した海賊たちが名付けた。
发表于 2004-9-26 21:01:34 | 显示全部楼层
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